
2022级“译名堂”毕业翻译研讨 第10场

发布日期:2024年12月12日      作者:肖潇      编辑:唐敏      审核:余鸿      点击:[]




 ST: 统计数字的外卖小哥画像过于粗放、模糊,看不到面孔与表情,不知他们在城里生活还好吗?他们的爱情婚姻家庭生活怎样?在跑单中有何甜酸苦辣? 对自己的生存状态是否满意?

TT1: This statistical description is too crude and blurred to capture the unique faces and vivid expressions of the delivery riders. Do they enjoy their lives in the cities? What about their love, marriages, and families? When are their moments of joy and sadness in work? Are they satisfied with where they are now?

TT2: This statistical description is too crude and blurred. It is so hard to capture the unique faces and vivid expressions of the delivery riders. Do they enjoy their lives in the cities? What about their love, marriages, and families? When are their moments of joy and sadness in work? Are they satisfied with where they are now?


 ST: 采访时,盈盈说:“送外卖看似简单,没有做过的理解不了。送外卖的过程中精神高度紧绷,要动脑子规划路线,要做到不洒餐,要以最快的速度送出去,要讲求节奏,有时一个出餐慢,一个催单的电话,就会打乱骑手的节奏, 导致超时。”

TT1: In the interview, Yingying said, “This job is not as simple as it seems to be. You may never know how challenging it is unless you have been in the trenches. On your delivery trip, you have to stay focused and carefully map out your routes in mind. You need to deliver your orders at the highest possible speed without spilling the food. A coordinated pace is also necessary. An inquiring phone call or a longer waiting for meal preparation may disrupt your timing, causing late deliveries.”

 TT2: In the interview, Yingying said, “This job is not as simple as it seems to be. You may never know how challenging it is unless you have been in the trenches. On your delivery trip, you have to stay focused and carefully map out your routes in mind. You need to deliver your orders at the highest possible speed without spilling the food. You must coordinate the step. An inquiring phone call or a longer waiting for meal preparation may disrupt your timing, causing late deliveries.”


 ST: 她还勤工俭学,去餐厅卖饭,到绿博园搞促销,在商场发传单,寒暑假去电子厂给手机贴膜,那个月赚了 5000 多元。

TT1: Yingying also juggled part-time gigs at the university cafeteria and promoted sales at the Green Expo Garden, handing out flyers in shopping centers. On one vacation, she worked applying screen protectors at one electronics manufacturer, earning more than 5,000 yuan in a month.

 TT2: Yingying also juggled part-time gigs at the university cafeteria and promoted sales at the Green Expo Garden, handing out flyers in shopping centers. On vacations, she worked pasting screen protectors at one electronics manufacturer, earning more than 5,000 yuan in a month.







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