在《石油勘探与开发》《石油学报》《SPE Journal》《SPE Production and Operations》《Fuel》《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》等刊物发表论文75篇。
[1] Jia H*, Niu C C, Dai C L. Solid-Free Flexible Colloidal Completion Fluid with Variable Density for Gas Well Completion in HTHP Reservoirs: Experimental Study and Pilot Test[J]. SPE Journal,2021, SPE-208590-PA.
[2] Jia H*, Chen H, Zhao J Z, et al. Development of a highly elastic composite gel through novel polymer intercalation crosslinking method for wellbore temporary plugging in high-temperature reservoirs[J]. SPE Journal,2020,25(6):2853-2866.
[3] Jia H*, Yang X Y, Zhao J Z. Development of a novel in-situ generated foamed gel as temporary plugging agent used for well workover: affecting factors and working performance[J]. SPE Journal,2019,24(4):1757-1776.
[4] Jia H*,Hu Y X,Zhao S J, et al. The Feasibility for Potassium-Based Phosphate Brines To Serve as High-Density Solid-Free Well-Completion Fluids in High-Temperature/High-Pressure Formations[J]. SPE Journal,2019,24(5):2033-2046.
[5] Jia H*; Kang Z, Zhu J, et al. High density bromide-based nanocomposite gel for temporary plugging in fractured reservoirs with multi-pressure systems[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 205(2021)108778.
[6] Jia H*, Niu C C, Yang X Y. High-strength nanocomposite gel for temporary plugging wellbore: from laboratory investigation to pilot test[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 191(2020)107214.
[7] Jia H*, Xie D S, Kang Z. Secondary surface modified laponite-based nanocomposite hydrogel for gas shutoff in wellbore[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,191(2020)107116.
[8] Jia H*,Yang X Y, Li S X, et al. Nanocomposite Gel of High-Strength and Degradability for Temporary Plugging in Ultralow-Pressure Fracture Reservoirs[J].Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,585(2020)124108.
[9] Jia H*, Niu C C, Hu Y X. The potential study of ultra-high density heteropolysate solid free brine as well completion fluid for deep reservoir development[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,84(2020)103638.
[10] Jia H*, Chen H. The Potential of Using Cr3+/Salt-Tolerant Polymer Gel for Well Workover in Low-Temperature Reservoir: Laboratory Investigation and Pilot Test[J].SPE Production and Operations,2018,33(4):569-582.
[11] Jia H*, Chen H. Using DSC technique to investigate the non-isothermal gelation kinetics of the multi-crosslinked Chromium acetate (Cr3+)-Polyethyleneimine (PEI)-Polymer gel sealant[J].Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,165, 105-113.
[12] Jia H*, Deng L H. Non-equilibrium 3-D simulator applied to air injection EOR in light oil reservoirs[J].Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,168,310-329.
[13] Jia H*, Chen H, Guo S S. Fluid loss control mechanism of using polymer gel pill based on multi-crosslinking during overbalanced well workover and completion[J]. Fuel,2017,210,207-216.
[14] Jia H*, Ren Q. Evidence of the Gelation Acceleration Mechanism of HPAM Gel with Ammonium Salt at Ultralow Temperature by SEM Study[J]. SPE Production and Operations,2016,31(3): 238-246.
[15] Jia H*, Sheng J J. Numerical modeling on air injection in a light oil reservoir: Recovery mechanism and scheme optimization[J]. Fuel,2016,172, 70-80.
[16] 贾虎, 张瑞,黎棚武.电磁场−渗流场耦合作用下离子液体多孔介质流动模型[J].力学学报, 2021, 53(8): 2214-2224.
[17] 张瑞,贾虎.基于多变量时间序列及向量自回归机器学习模型的水驱油藏产量预测方法[J].石油勘探与开发,2021,48(1): 175-184.
[18] 贾虎,邓力珲.基于流线聚类人工智能方法的水驱油藏流场识别[J].石油勘探与开发,2018,45(2):312-319.
[19] 贾虎,陈昊,陈波.弹性液体胶塞修井防漏机理及应用[J].石油学报,2018,39(3):349-356.
[20] 贾虎,吴晓虎.考虑相态变化的凝析气藏压井液漏失机理与产能恢复[J].石油勘探与开发,2017,(4):622-629.
[21] 贾虎,赵金洲,杨怀军,等.轻质油藏空气驱机理数值模拟[J].石油勘探与开发,2014,41(2):215-222.
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