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[2] Jingjing Guo, Liehui Zhang, Qin Zhu. A quadruple-porosity model for transient production analysis of multiple-fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73(10).
[3] Jingjing Guo, Haitao Wang, Liehui Zhang. Transient pressure behavior for a horizontal well with multiple finite-conductivity fractures in tight reservoirs. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2015, 12(4).
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[5] Jingjing Guo, Su Zhang, Liehui Zhang, et al. Well testing analysis for horizontal well with consideration of threshold pressure gradient in tight gas reservoirs. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, 2012, 24(4).
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[9] Haitao Wang, Jingjing Guo, Liehui Zhang. A semi-analytical model for multilateral horizontal wells in low-permeability naturally fractured reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 149.(通讯作者)
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[1] 专著《页岩气藏开发基础》. 石油工业出版社,2014,排名第2.
[2] 教材《油气藏数值模拟基本原理(第二版)》. 石油工业出版社,2014,排名第2.
[3] 专著《非均质气藏试井理论》. 石油工业出版社,2013,排名第2.
[4] 译著《气藏工程》. 石油工业出版社,2011,排名第1.
[1] 发明专利“可快速拆卸取样的天然气水合物生成装置”(ZL201110444461.4),排名第2.
[2] GWT气井现代试井解释系统(软件著作权),排名第1.
[3] HE水平井现代试井解释系统(软件著作权),排名第1.
[1] Guo, J. J, Zhang, L. H., Wang, H. T. Pressure transient characteristics of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs with consideration of multiple mechanisms. 5th International Conference on Porous Media and Their Application in Science, Engineering and Industry, 2014, Kona, Hawaii, USA. Oral presentation.
[2] Guo, J. J, Zhang, L. H., Zhang, D. L. Application of Control Volume Method to Numerical Well Testing. 1st International Symposium on Energy Challenges undefinedamp; Mechanics, 2014, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Oral presentation.
[3] Guo, J. J, Zhang, L. H. Transient Flow of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Composite Fractured Reservoirs. IEAEOR 33rd Annual Symposium, Regina, Canada, 2012. Oral Presentation.
[4] Guo, J. J, Zhang, L. H. Experimental and theoretical investigation of shale gas reservoirs. 4th SINO-GERMAN energy conference, Chengdu, 2015. Oral Presentation.
[5] Guo, J. J, Zhang, L. H., Wang, H. T. Engineering Fundamentals of Shale Gas Development. 页岩油气勘探开发暨第七次“油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室”国际学术研讨会,成都,2014.(大会报告)
[6] 页岩气开发气藏工程方法. 第二届中国国际页岩气勘探开发暨市场高峰论坛,成都,2014.(大会报告)
[1] 复杂结构井非线性渗流理论及其在气藏工程中的应用,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步奖一等奖,2016,排名第7.
[2] 低渗及特低渗气藏渗流机理及储量有效动用基础研究与应用,四川省科技进步奖二等奖,2017,排名第3.