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Inviting Contributions for the journal "Petroleum"

供稿:      编辑:fx      审核:      发布:2014-05-26      浏览:

Petroleumwill be co-founded by Southwest Petroleum University and

Science Press, and reflect the high levels of academic achievements in the

world-wide oil and nature gas area.

Contributions invited: oil and gas

reservoir engineering, oil and gas drilling and completion technology, oil

reservoir stimulation and enhanced oil recovery technology, oil and gas geology.

The manuscripts should reflect the latest research results of oil and gas


Please send your paper to the



Tel: 028-83032375

Journal Office of Southwest Petroleum University


上一条:学报(自然科学版)2014年第3期已如期出版 下一条:Petroleum(油气)创刊约稿


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