
发布日期:2023年11月17日      作者:陈雨柯     编辑:陈雨柯     审核:苏昊     

报告题目:Measuring Sustainability and Equity

人:Shunsuke Managi 教授





日本九州大学特聘教授、都市研究所所长。同时也是联合国包容性财富报告主任,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)代表作者,经合组织贸易与环境联合工作组副主席,并与许多国际组织和企业合作。日本科学委员会可持续投资小组委员会主席,著有25本著作和400篇期刊文章,文章发表于Science, Nature, Nature Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, The Energy Journal, Omega, Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, Economic Modelling等国际一流期刊。在城市化、交通、能源、气候变化、可持续发展、城市化和人口变化等领域获得了多项国家研究资助。


For keeping track of sustainability of the economy and well-being of people, we need to move beyond just a flow (GDP) approach to use a stock approach to measure wealth -- one that considers the aggregate value of all capital assets -- to take our use of natural capital into account, along with human and produced capital. This view is echoed by the United Nations Secretary General, who’s Common Agenda clearly outlines the need to move beyond GDP as the central measure of national progress. Tracking a country’s GDP over time does not tell us whether the development path being pursued is sustainable. The IWR 2023 undertakes a comprehensive global assessment of the inclusive wealth of 163 countries for 1990–2019. The IWR 2023 adds an explicit focus on the nexus between inequalities and natural assets, highlighting that the loss of nature negatively impacts rural and poor communities in developing countries most directly and most acutely. The report highlights how inclusive wealth -- incorporating natural, human and produced capita -- is a sophisticated yet streamlined measure for assessing national and global development and economic progress. The Inclusive Wealth Report 2023 is the fourth iteration of the Inclusive Wealth series. The Inclusive Wealth paradigm demonstrates that future economic possibilities depend on the current management of all forms of wealth. Focus on inclusive wealth and estimation are the building blocks for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The inclusive wealth index measures the wealth of nations by carrying out a comprehensive analysis of a country’s productive base including the assets from which human well-being is derived, manufactured, human and natural capital. Thus, the IWI measures a nation’s capacity to create and maintain human well-being over time





