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发布日期:2014年10月22日      作者:国际合作与交流处      编辑:joy       审核:      点击:[]

International Students Regulations

(Southwest Petroleum University)  





1.         外国留学生必须遵守中国的法律、法规及学校的规章制度。 

2.         外国留学生应尊重中国人的风俗习惯,遵守社会公德。 

3.         我校尊重外国留学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所。校内严禁宗教活动及宗教聚会。 

4.         外国留学生在中国境内进行出版、结社、集会、旅行、示威等活动,必须遵守中国有关法律、法规的规定。 

5.         严禁在宿舍楼、校内燃放烟花爆竹、违者将受到惩罚,并追究刑事责任。 

6.         不准私自在校园内张贴、散发宣传品、印刷品。 

7.         严禁赌博、酗酒、打架斗殴、吸毒、贩毒。 

8.         任何人不得破坏学校的教学、科研设施,干扰学校正常的教学秩序。 

9.         不得在教室、宿舍以及其他公共场所高声喧哗。 

10.     驾驶机动车必须持驾驶证和机动车行驶证,驾驶机动车来校上课的留学生,请到校保卫处办理机动车通行证。 

Ⅰ.Laws and university regulations

1.         International students should abide by China’s laws, regulations and the rules of University of Electronic Science & Technology ofChina.

2.         International students should respect the social morality and customs of the Chinese people.

3.         University ofElectronicScience & Technology ofChinarespects international students’ ethnic customs and religious beliefs, but will not provide a place for religious service. No religious activities or gatherings are permitted on the campus.

4.         International students should followChina’s laws and regulations in regard to publications, associations, assembles, and demonstrations.

5.         It is forbidden to set off fire crackers at dormitories and on campus; students caught doing so will be punished.

6.         Distributions or posting of propaganda materials is forbidden on the campus.

7.         Gambling, public drunkenness, aggressive behavior, and drug usage and trafficking are forbidden.

8.         The disruption of teaching, research work and orderly life is not permitted, nor is it appropriate to stop others from their normal activities required by school rules.

9.         Please do not make loud noise or smoke in your classroom, the students’ center, dining-hall or other public areas.

10.     It is necessary to have a driver’s license and motor vehicle license to drive. Students who drive to school should obtain motor vehicle pass from the University Security Office.




1.         考勤


2.         休学

1)        自费留学生因病或因事不能在华学习,由本人持休学申请书和医院证明,经相关学院同意后到办公室办理休学手续。经国际合作与交流处批准后,缩短居留许可,办理离校手续。 

2)        休学期限一般为一学期或者一学年,因各种原因休学累计不得超过两年。 

3)        留学生修学前所获学分,自休学之日起保留一年(因服兵役可保留两年)。 

4)        自费生申请休学所在学期缴费一律不退。 

5)        休学者凭休学证明在规定时间复学。因病休学者,复学时需出示健康证明。休学期满不按时到校复学将按自动退学处理。 

3.         转学

1)        在我校学习的留学生,若中途提出转学申请,请凭录取通知书并经相关学院同意后到国际合作与交流处办理转校手续。 

2)        由外校转入我校的学生,请持原学校转学证明或结业证明前往国际合作与交流处办理报到手续。报到后10日内,持原学校《结束学习证明》,前往成都市公安局出入境管理处办理转学手续。 

4.         退学

1)        留学生因故退学,应向相关学院提出书面申请,由学院签署意见后报国际合作与交流处,得到批准后办理离校手续。

2)        自费生申请退学时,所在学期缴费学费一律不退。 

5.         请假规定


6.         处分

1)        学校对违反校纪、旷课、破坏公共财物、打架斗殴或者有其它不良行为者,视情节轻重,分别给以警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看,勒令退学、开除学籍的处分。 

2)        留校察看处分的留学生,在一年内有明显进步,可解除处分;经教育仍不改者,勒令退学。 

3)        留校察看处分一经决定,除向留学生本人宣布外,学校还视情况和需要,通知留学生所在国驻华使馆、代表机构、派遣单位或家长。 

4)        留学生如有违法行为,公安机关将按照中国的有关法律处理,学校也将给以相应处分。 

Management Of Student’s Status


International students should comply with university’s rules: please attend classes on time; absence, tardiness or leaving class early without a valid reason is not appropriate. Being absent from classes to travel is not a valid excuse. Please don’t allow using weekends to travel to affect your studies.  

2.Self-Postponement of Study

1)        Self-financed students who have to postpone study inChinadue to illness or personal reasons need to go through relevant procedures at student’s school by applying for postponement and preparing a doctor’s note. With the approval of Office of International Affairs and shortened duration for the residence permit, they can start procedures for leaving the school.

2)        The duration of postponement can be from one semester to a full school year. The suspension of self-financed students who need to fulfill military service should not exceed two years in total.

3)        Credits the student has obtained before postponement will be retained for up to one year (two years for those students serving in the military.

4)        Tuition fees of the semester when the student is applying for postponement of study will not be returned.

5)        Students should resume study on the date indicated on the postponement approval. Students postponing study due to illness should provide their health exam report before returning to their studies. Those who do not resume study in due time will be regarded as withdrawn form the school.


1)        Students who apply for transfer to a new school can complete relevant procedures at Office of International Affairs with the approval of their college and the letter of admission from the school to which they are going to transfer.

2)        Students transferring to SWPU should register at the Office of International Affairs with the transfer document or certificate for completion of study and complete the relevant procedures at the Exit-Entry Division of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Public Security.


1)        If a student should wish to withdraw form SWPU then the Application should be first submitted to the student’s school and then reported to Office of International Affairs After receiving the approval of the office, the student can begin the procedures for leaving the school.

2)        The tuition fee for the semester when the withdrawal application is submitted will not be returned.

5Application for Excused Absence

An application for excused absence due to personal reasons or illness needs to include the relevant materials such as a doctor’s note or proof of admittance to a hospital. The student’s instructor or class administrator is authorized to approve three-day leaves, then hand in the permit to the Office of International Affairs; for leaves more than three days need the approval of the student’s college and the Office of International Affairs. Moreover, a supervisor/ instructor’s approval is required for postgraduates Students who are unable to continue studies due to personal reasons or illness should complete necessary procedures according to the university regulations.  


1)        Students who have disobeyed the university’s Academic Code of Honor have been truant or committed vandalism, been involved in physical fights or have conducted other forms of unfavorable acts will, depending on the severity of their offenses, be given a warning ,a reprimand, be blacklisted, put under close observation, suspended or expelled.

2)        For the students who have been put under the university’s close observation, their punishment will be lifted if they show signs of improvement within a year. Students who do not display any sign of improvement within the given time limit will be dismissed from the university.

3)        Students’ parents, together with their country’s embassy or its representative organization (inChina) will be informed about the charges and the punishments that have been placed on the students if the severity of their offenses requires so.

4)        If an international student has committed a crime/ an illegal act, the Chinese Public Security Administration will be responsible for handling his /her offense, and he /her will be perpetrated according to the Chinese Law. In addition, the university will charge the student with the appropriate punishment.



1)        入住学生宿舍楼的国际留学生,需要缴纳相应的住宿费。入住者由国际合作与交流处安排房间,留学生本人不得自行选择、转租、转让、互换房间。 

2)        因宿舍或者房间临时维修改造的需要,入住者应服从宿舍管理人员调整房间的安排。 

3)        入住者在留学生宿舍区域要保持安静,不得影响他人的学习和休息,

4)        留学生宿舍的公共设施和住房配置的各种设施及物品应当爱护使用,如有损坏、遗失、污损,由责任者照价赔偿;房间内不得私接电线,安装、使用电热用具、大功率电器。 

5)        入住者应妥善保管个人贵重物品和房间钥匙,离开房间要关好门窗,关闭电源,注意防盗、防火。 

6)        入住者需保持房间整洁,便池内禁止丢入果皮、垃圾、废物等,否则,由此造成管道阻塞产生的维修费用由住房者支付。 

7)        入住者在合同到期后未按时续签合同而继续住宿在留学生宿舍,应按临时住房价计算交纳房费。 


Regulation on Dormitory Management

1)        Students who live in dormitory must pay housing rental price. The Office of International Affairs will make the room arrangements .Students are not allowed to swap, sublease, and/or transfer the room themselves.

2)        If any repairing and reconstruction is needed in the dorm or individual rooms, students should comply with room changes deemed necessary by dorm management.

3)        Students should keep quiet and try not to disturb other roommates’ study and rest.

4)        Students should respect the public facilities and furniture in dorms. If damage, displacement, or defilement occurs, they will compensate the dorms according to the appropriate costs. Electrical heaters and high-power electrical appliances are forbidden in the dorms.

5)        Students need to take care of their valuables and room keys. To protect yourself from theft and from starting a fire, when you leave your room, make sure that the doors and windows are locked and the power is turned off.

6)        Students should keep their rooms clean but never dump trash into toilets or sinks. Students will pay for the cost for unplugging any of the toilets that they clog with trash.

7)        Students, who do not renew their contract on time, will have their housing charged by the temporary rental price.


1)        根据中国政府的有关规定,外国留学生到校后,必须参加学校集体投保的中国平安保险公司的综合医疗保险。保险费金额:一年600,半年300元。包括意外伤害医疗保险、住院医疗保险、残疾保险和身故保险,具体保险责任以中国平安保险公司设定为准。 

2)        为了保障留学生本人的保险利益,在申请医疗保险理赔时必须提供相关证件、证明,包括本人护照复印件、医疗诊断证明或意外事故经过证明、病历本、各项检查报告单、药费处方、详细的检查项目及用药清单和住院收据和出院报告等。 


Medical insurance

1)        As is regulated by the Chinese government, all international students must join in the collective comprehensive medical insurance plan provided byPing’ an Insurance Company procured by the universities, 600 RMB a year, 300 RMB half a year. covering accidental injuries, hospitalization, disability and loss of life. The specific insurance provider will be determined byChina’sPing’ an Insurance Company.

2)        When applying for medical insurance claims, students should provide ID documents and other relevant materials, including a copy of your passport, certificate of diagnosis, certified accident description, any health examination reports, drug expenses, prescriptions, list of examinations performed, and receipt for hospital stay.


















地址:成都市青羊区人民西路2       电话:028-86407769







Contact Information:

Office of International Affairs

Add: Library C601  

Tel: 83032453


Aliens’ Exit and Entry Administration Office ofChengduPublic Security Bureau

Add: No.2 ,West Renmin Road, Qingyang District,Chengdu    

Tel: 028-86407769  


Chengdong Police Station Office

Add: No 86,Qingyuan Road, Xindu District,Chengdu          

Tel: 028-83920110  



Office of International Affairs, SWPU

