论坛将于2014年11月22日—23日在西南石油大学举办。目前已邀请的专家学者为:香港城市大学何永昌教授(Daniel W.C. Ho),北京理工大学夏元清教授,哈尔滨工业大学周彬教授,北京大学李忠奎研究员,东南大学虞文武教授,东南大学梁金玲教授,中国科学院程龙研究员,东南大学温广辉博士。
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| | Distributed Networked System under Communication Information Constraints
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| | Distributed and Truncated Reduced-Order Observer Based Output Feedback Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems
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| | Distributed Consensus Control of Multi-Agent Systems: A Consensus Region Approach
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| | General Algebraic Connectivity in Consensus of Multi-agent Systems
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| | Distributed Consensus-Tracking of General Multi-Agent Systems under Switching Directed Topologies
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