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发布日期:2017年06月13日       供稿:       编辑:hgyzyw       审核:       点击:[]



报 告 人:Anthony Baptista 高级技术专家

时 间:2017616日(周五)上午8:30-11:00

地 点:国家重点实验室A403学术报告厅

报告人单位:英国Petroluem Experts Ltd.公司



(1) Petroleum Experts公司简介

(2) 油气开发生产一体化优化技术

(3) 油气生产运行智能化管理技术

(4) 应用效果演示

英国Petroleum Experts公司简介,英国PE公司总部位于爱丁堡,自1990年成立以来,致力于油气田生产系统一体化模拟平台开发,已建立了高度一体化的油气藏模拟、井筒模拟和地面管网模拟的系统,并在此基础上发展为智能油气田管理环境,并已形成了IPMIFMIVM产品系列,如今全球60多个国家,近500个石油开采及技术服务公司应用PE公司系列产品快速、有效地解决油气田开发设计、提高产量、快速生产、生产优化、产能挖潜、成本控制、问题诊断、流动保障、生产预警、节能减排、油气田智能管理等工作。产品广泛应用于常规油气田、非常规油气资源开发、储气库、LNG等领域。




主讲人Anthony Baptista简介,Experience2010to Present: Petroleum EngineerResponsibilities include providing petroleum engineering advice, consultancy and training Petroleum Experts Integrated production Modelling software.Focused on Technical Support, Training and Customer Contact.Providing training courses on Advanced Topics, such as Digital Oil Field (DOF), Advanced Integration and PVT. Responsible for internal IFM/Model Catalogue maintenance and application support.Involved in training, consultancy and workshops with clients in a wide variety of subjects including advanced integration, optimization, tight oil/gas fields and digital oilfield implementation, PVT and advanced wellbore modelling.Involved in projects worldwide, locations such as North Sea, Qatar, Malaysia, Gulf of Mexic and Nigeria.

Projects completedGas lift optimisation for dual string completions: Lead engineer in the development of methodology to optimise the gas lift allocation in a network of dual string gas lifted wells in field in an oil field Malaysia.Advanced integrated modelling of large Nigerian Oil field: Lead engineer in the integrated modelling of a large mature oil field asset in order to develop a fully functional integrate model capable of achieving complex field management objectives. CSG/CBM modelling workshop: Lead engineer in a coalbed methane modelling project Brisbane, Australia. Responsible for training and implementing a large CBM field model, one of North East Australias largest gas producers. Digital field implementation workshop for North Sea: project centred on the implementation of a real time surveillance/optimisation system for a field in the North Sea that cannot test wells individually. Multi Well Allocation workshop for Gulf of Mexico: project centred on the implementation of a multi well allocation tool for a field in the Gulf of Mexico that cannot test wells individual.

Development projects:Responsible for the development of several projects including custom IFM workflows complex engineering objectives. Workflows developed include:Automated Well Model Builder for CBM Wells.Dual String Gas Lift Optimisation.Multi-phase flow meter validation. Multi well allocation.Compositional Allocation

Education: Masters in Petroleum Engineering Imperial College London MEng (Distinction) Mechanical Engineering University of Strathclyde.




上一条:20170626学术报告-非常规油气藏水力压裂及地质力学模拟研究 下一条:20170614学术报告-Nanocellulose: an emerging material that has a great future
