报告题目: Polymer Nanocomposites for Energy Storage and Conversion
地点:明德楼(Mingde Building)A318
博士后,Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, France,2012-2015
博士,巴黎中央理工, 2009-2012
本科、硕士,北京化工大学, 2002-2009
2016年通过中科院“卓越百人计划”引进回国,进入中科院化学研究所工程塑料重点实验室工作。长期从事新型能源相关聚合物复合材料的研究工作,迄今为止共发表SCI论文26篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Science,Nature Communications,Advanced Materials等顶级期刊上发表SCI论文12篇,并受邀撰写专著章节2部。发表文章共计被Web of Science引用>1100次(Google Scholar引用>1400次),多篇文章入选ESI高引用论文,H因子13。研究成果被ScienceDaily、Phys.org等媒体highlight。美国材料研究学会、英国化学工业协会成员。受邀担任著名学术期刊包括Energy & Environmental Science, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Materials ChemistryA(C), Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, RSC Advances,等审稿人。
报告摘要:Combining functional nanoparticles with polymers can create advanced polymer nanocomposites, which are recently arousing considerable interest in the field of energy storage and conversion. For the power energy storage application in dielectric capacitors, we have proposed a concept of “local alignment of conducting nanoparticles” to develop giant-permittivity polymer composites with low losses. Further, near-percolated-networks of reduced graphene oxide were explored in a soft polymer media to achieve a large permittivity variation with mechanical deformation. The resultant materials show a giant electrostrictive coefficient and thus can be used in energy harvester to efficiently convert mechanical energy into electricity. In addition, we have also developed polymer composite fibers to convert thermal energy into mechanical one based on the concept of shape-memory twisted fiber. Our polymer fibers doped by graphene oxide exhibit an ever record mechanical energy density, showing a great promise for the use inminiaturized and strong torsional actuators.