邹长军2018-02-16 作者: 编辑:hgyzyw 审核: 浏览:[]
邹长军教授个人简介 邹长军,男,1965年5月出生,博士,教授,四川省学术和技术带头人、突出贡献专家和优秀教师,西南石油大学博士生导师和教学名师。主要从事功能流体的能量和质量传递以及油气开采过程中基础化学工程问题研究。 实验室地点:明德楼A407 联系方式:Tel: 028-83037327;E-mail: zouchangjun@swpu.edu.cn;QQ: 836618820 u 教育经历
u 工作经历
u 主讲课程
u 主要研究课题
u 代表性论文、专著 1 Chen W, Zou C*, Li X. An investigation into the thermophysical and optical properties of SiC/ionic liquid nanofluid for direct absorption solar collector[J]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2017, 163: 157-163. 2 Wei B, Zou C*, Li X. Experimental investigation on stability and thermal conductivity of diathermic oil based TiO2 nanofluids[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 104: 537-543. 3 Li W, Zou C*, Li X. Thermo-physical properties of waste cooking oil-based nanofluids[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112: 784-792. 4 Liu Y, Zou C*, Li C, et al. Evaluation of β-cyclodextrin-polyethylene glycol as green scale inhibitors for produced-water in shale gas well [J]. Desalination, 2016, 377: 28-33 5 Li X, Zou C*, Lei X, et al. Stability and enhanced thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol-based SiC nanofluids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 89: 613-619. 6 Zou C*, Gu T, Xiao P, et al. Experimental Study of Cucurbit [7] uril Derivatives Modified Acrylamide Polymer for Enhanced Oil Recovery[J].Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(18): 7570-7578. 7 Zou C*, Qin Y, Yan X, et al. Study on Acidizing Effect of Cationic β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex with Sandstone for Enhancing Oil Recovery[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(33): 12901-12910. 8 Zou C*, Yan X, Qin Y, et al. Inhibiting evaluation of β-Cyclodextrin-modified acrylamide polymer on alloy steel in sulfuric solution[J]. Corrosion Science, 2014, 85: 445-454. 9 Zou C*,Zhao P, Ge J, et al.β-Cyclodextrin modified anionic and cationic acrylamide polymers for enhancing oil recovery[J].Carbohydrate Polymers 2012,87:607-613 10 邹长军,石油化工工艺学,化学工业出版社,北京,2010(教材) u 获奖成果 1 苯酚焦油提取有用物质研究,吉林省科技进步三等奖,排名第2,2004 2 石油化工工艺学,中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物二等奖,排名第1,2012 【关闭】 |