【“梦溪”地学专家论坛 第241期】 12.18 Fluid-dependent Shear Slip Behaviors and Implications on Fracture Frictional Strength Reduction and Permeability Evolution

发布日期:2024年12月16日      作者:李勇     编辑:李勇     审核:黄旭日     浏览:[]

汇报题目:Fluid-dependent Shear Slip Behaviors and Implications on Fracture Frictional Strength Reduction and Permeability Evolution

报告人:Long FanAssociate Professor



报告人单位:University of Alaska Fairbanks


Dr. Long Fan is an Associate Professor of College of Engineering and Mines at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He holds PhD. degree in Earth and Mineral Engineering from Pennsylvania State University, His research interests include experimental geomechanics, carbon sequestration, flid-rock interaction in porous media, and rear earth mineral extraction. As Pl, he has successfully secured finding from various US federal agencies, including US National Science Foundation, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of Energy and industrial partners.


Human-induced earthquake is related to large volumes of fluid injection in underground including wasted water, hot steam, CO2, N2, foams, and their mixtures. These injected fluids can potentially generate new fractures and/or reactivate pre-existing faults/cleats. Fluid-rock interaction is an important yet challenging issue in geomechanics, ranging from seismic events to hydraulic fracturing. In this talk, preliminary lab results of fluids injection induced fault sliding will be discussed, Various fluids (helium, carbon dioxide, water, and moisturized methane) were injected into coal to investigate the dynamic characteristics of friction coefficients and permeability evolution during faulting. The friction strength of rock fracture significantly dropped after injecting sorbing fluids, which could lead to fault reactivation at a low pore pressure. Fracture permeability during sliding is sensitive to the softening effect of injected fluids. The rate-state-friction parameters with various sliding speeds indicated a continuous friction increase with sliding distance. These results can provide improved understanding of geohazards prevention and prediction.


         主办单位:                   天然气地质四川省重点实验室




