The Regulations for Foreign Postgraduates Status at Southwest Petroleum University
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为规范来华留学研究生管理工作,维护正常的留学研究生教育教学秩序,保障留学研究生合法权利,提高研究生教育国际化水平,根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部,2017年2月)和《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部,2017年3月),结合我校来华留学研究生教育教学的实际,特制定本办法。
Article 1 The Regulations for Foreign Postgraduates Status at (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations")is hereby formulated as per Common University Student Management Rules (issue by the Ministry of Education on February 2017), Administrative Measures for Universities' Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students (issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security on March 2017), and by combining with the actual situation of education and teaching of foreign graduates of the university, with a purpose of standardizing the management of foreign graduates, maintaining normal education and teaching order of foreign graduates, safeguarding the legal rights of foreign graduates, and improving the international level of graduate education.
第二章 入学与注册
Chapter II Enrollment and Registration
第二条 留学研究生持新生录取通知书和有关证照,按学校要求和规定的期限到校办理入学手续。因故不能按期入学者,应当事先以书面形式向学校请假并充分陈述理由。请假时间一般不超过两周,请假须经学校留学生管理部门(国际合作与交流处)批准,未请假、请假未经批准或请假后逾期不报到的,除因不可抗力等正当事由以外,按放弃入学资格处理。
Article 2 All foreign graduates shall come to the university with the admission notice and relevant certificates and go through the admission procedures according to the university requirements within the prescribed time limit. Anyone who cannot enroll as scheduled shall ask the university for a leave with an adequate statement of reasons in writing in advance. Time off shall be usually not more than two weeks. Leave must be approved by the International Student Management Department (International Cooperation and Exchange Office)of the university; those who fail to report their arrival without asking for a leave or without leave approval or fail to report within the time limit after asking for a leave shall be regarded to have abandoned their admission qualifications, except for due to force majeure and other legitimate reasons.
第三条 留学研究生新生入学后三个月内,学校按国家有关国际学生招生规定对其入学资格、健康状况等进行复查。复查合格并完善相关手续者,准予注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。凡属弄虚作假、徇私舞弊取得学籍者,一经查实,取消其学籍。
Article 3 The university will, within three months after the enrollment of new foreign graduates, review their admission qualifications and health in accordance with relevant China's regulations on international student enrollment. Students who pass review and complete relevant procedures, shall be granted to register and obtain the student status. Students who do not pass review shall be dealt with by the university in light of different conditions till his/her student status is canceled. The student status of anyone obtained through fraud or favoritism shall, upon investigation, be canceled.
第四条 新生入学时,须到四川省检验检疫局办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续或者进行体检。经体检确认患有我国法律规定不准入境疾病者,应当立即离境回国,否则交由公安部门依法处理。对患有其它疾病的新生,经四川省检验检疫局或学校指定的二级甲等以上医院诊断不宜在校学习的,可以视病情决定是否保留其入学资格一年。保留入学资格的留学研究生应当在接到通知后5个工作日内办理相关手续离校;10个工作日内无故不办理离校手续或拒不离校者,取消其保留入学资格。保留入学资格者不具有学籍。在保留入学资格期内,经治疗康复,可以在下一学年开学前20个工作日内向国际合作与交流处申请入学,由学校指定医院诊断并审核合格者,方可重新办理入学手续。复查不合格或者复查合格后5个工作日内不办理入学手续者,取消其入学资格。
Article 4 When a new student enters the university, he/she must go to the Sichuan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for confirmation procedure of Physical Examination Record for Foreigner or physical examination. Those who have been confirmed by physical examination as suffering from diseases prohibited from entering China by law shall leave China and return to their countries immediately, otherwise they shall be dealt with by the public security department according to law. For new students who suffer from other diseases and are not suitable to learn at school upon diagnosis of Sichuan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and hospitals with above class-2 grade-A standard designated by the university, the university will decide whether to retain his/her admission qualification for one year in light of condition. Foreign graduates who have retained admission qualification shall handle relevant procedures to leave school within 5 working days after receiving the notice; the retained admission qualification of students who do not handle procedures to leave school or refuse to leave school without reasons within 10 working days shall be canceled. Students who have retained admission qualification do not have a student status. Students who recovered after treatment during the retention of admission qualification, can apply for enrollment to the International Cooperation and Exchange Office 20 working days before next academic year. After examination and diagnosis of hospital designated by the university, they can re-handle admission procedures. The admission qualification of students who do not pass review or not handle admission procedures within 5 working days after review shall be canceled.
第五条 学校留学生注册管理实行二学期制,留学研究生应按学校规定的时间分别在秋季学期和春季学期按时到校办理报到、注册手续。每学年秋季学期开学时,还需按学校规定缴纳本学年应缴费用,其后持学生证到相关学院办理报到、注册手续。只有经过报到、注册,方可获得在校继续学习的资格。如果因不可抗力原因或者患病及其他正当原因不能按期报到、注册者,应当向相关学院请假,履行暂缓报到、注册手续。未经批准逾期两周不办理者,按自动退学处理。
Article 5 Registration and management of international students adopts two-semester system, foreign graduates shall go to the university on time to handle registration procedures within the time limit prescribed by the university in autumn semester and spring semester respectively. At the beginning of the autumn semester of each academic year, students shall pay for the due cost of the academic year and handle registration procedures at corresponding colleges with student ID cards. Students can obtain qualifications for continuous learning in the university upon registration. If students fail to register as scheduled due to force majeure, illness or other legitimate reasons, they shall ask corresponding colleges for a leave and go through the procedures of postponing reporting and registration. Those who fail to do so within two weeks after the deadline without approval shall be deemed to have dropped out of the university automatically.
Those who fail to pay the tuition fees and other fees according to the regulations of the university, fail to purchase insurance according to the requirements of the university or fail to meet the registration conditions shall not be allowed to register.
Each college shall submit registration information of foreign graduates to the International Cooperation and Exchange Office on the day after the deadline of registration, then the International Cooperation and Exchange Office will submit it to the Graduate School for record.
第三章 学制与学习年限
Chapter III School System and Period of Schooling
第六条 我校留学研究生学制一般为三年,硕士研究生可二年毕业。提前毕业须征得导师、所在学院、研究生院和国际合作与交流处同意,提前毕业缴退学费按照《西南石油大学国际学生缴费及退费规定》实施。留学研究生毕业时均为三年制研究生。
Article 6 The school system of foreign graduates in our university is usually three years, and postgraduates can graduate in two years. Students can graduate in advance with consent of supervisor, his/her college, graduate school and International Cooperation and Exchange Office. Tuition payment and refund for early graduation shall be carried out according to the Regulations of Payment and Refund of International Students of Southwest Petroleum University. Foreign graduates shall be three-year graduates when graduated.
第七条 我校留学研究生因故不能在基本学制内如期毕业者可以申请延长学习时间,但在校学习最长年限为:硕士研究生所学专业规定的学制年限再延长二年,逾期者不予注册;博士研究生所学专业规定的学制年限再延长三年,逾期者不予注册。留学研究生应征回国服兵役,学校将保留其学籍至退役后一年,学生保留学籍的年限不计入学生有效学习年限。延长期间缴退学费按照《西南石油大学国际学生缴费及退费规定》实施。
Article 7 Students who fail to graduate within basic school system as scheduled for some reasons, can apply for extending learning time, however, the longest learning time in the university: postgraduates can extend school system prescribed by his/her major for another two years; doctoral candidates can extend school system prescribed by his/her major for another three years. Students are not allowed to register with overdue time. For foreign graduates are conscripted into the army, the university will retain his/her student status for one year after demobilization. The time of retaining student status is not included into his/her effective years of schooling. Tuition payment and refund during the extension shall be carried out according to the Regulations of Payment and Refund of International Students of Southwest Petroleum University.
第八条 留学研究生申请延长学习年限期满仍然不能按期毕业者,学校对其做退学处理。
Article 8 The university will withdraw foreign graduates who fail to graduate as scheduled after applying for extending the period of schooling.
第四章 培养工作
Chapter IV Cultivation Work
第九条 培养方案
Article 9 Cultivation program
Disciplines and majors that carry out the education of foreign graduates shall prepare the Cultivation Program of Foreign Graduates, and the curriculum setting of its cultivation program adopts the curriculum setting specified in the Cultivation Program of Graduate Students of Southwest Petroleum University in principle. Apart from compulsory courses required by the state, other curriculum setting can be properly adjusted in light of cultivation demands. There will be not any courses of English and political theory (except majors of philosophy and politics)in curriculum setting of foreign graduates, which will be replaced by Survey of China and Chinese; professional core courses and professional elective courses shall refer to the existing curriculum system and structure of cultivation program.
第十条 博士研究生课程设置
Article 10 Curriculum setting of doctoral candidates
Credits of basic theoretical courses are 6, among which: Survey of China is a compulsory course with class hours of 48 and credits of 3; Chinese is a compulsory course with class hours of 48 and credits of 3.
Professional core courses and professional elective courses shall refer to the doctoral candidate cultivation program of this major. Their credits shall be not less than 8.
第十一条 硕士研究生课程设置
Article 11 Curriculum setting of postgraduates
Credits of basic theoretical courses are 8, among which: Survey of China is a compulsory course with class hours of 48 and credits of 3; Chinese is a compulsory course with class hours of 48 and credits of 3; mathematical foundations is a compulsory course with class hours of 36 and credits of 2.
Professional core courses and professional elective courses shall refer to the postgraduate cultivation program of this major. Their credits shall be not less than 12.
第十二条 学分要求
Article 12 Requirements of credits
Foreign graduates in our university are required to obtain a minimum of 14 credits for Doctor degree and 20 credits for Master degree Courses of Foreign graduates shall accord with the curriculum system and structure of cultivation program.
第十三条 培养计划制定
Article 13 Formulation of cultivation program
The university shall implement the tutorial system for graduate student cultivation. Faculty adviser of graduate student is responsible for guiding graduate students concerning research frontiers, scientific research methods and academic norms. Foreign graduates shall formulate "Cultivation plan" with tutor. Cultivation plan shall be submitted to their colleges, International Cooperation and Exchange Office and Graduate School for records. Formulation and implementation of "Cultivation program" can be divided into three steps:
All courses to be acquired under the guidance of tutor shall be determined after enrollment;
Before the end of the 3rd semester, mid-term assessment shall be carried out to check the arrangement of course learning;
At the beginning of the 4th semester, plan like topic selection, composition, proposal and defense of the degree thesis shall be implemented.
第十四条 教学组织安排
Article 14 Teaching organization and arrangement
Chinese is the language of instruction for curriculum teaching of foreign graduates. Each postgraduate school authorized to enroll in foreign students shall strengthen the construction of bilingual courses for graduate students according to situation. Qualified schools can deliver courses to foreign postgraduates in English.
Basic theoretical courses of foreign graduates (Survey of China, Chinese and Foundation of Mathematics)adopt centralized instruction. Separate classes or unified class will be on a case-by-case basis.
For professional core courses and professional elective courses, they can take a class with domestic graduate students, or take a class desperately if there are more than 10.
第十五条 学位论文与学位授予
Article 15 Degree thesis and degree conferment
Foreign graduates must complete degree thesis in the university with the same quality as those written by domestic students. Degree thesis shall be generally written in Chinese. If the Degree thesis is written in English,it needs to contain a Chinese abstract.
Foreign graduates are only allowed to participate in dissertation defense when they meet various requirements in cultivation program of the subject (three assistance is not required)and obtain the required credits and academic achievements without academic misconduct.
Application for degree by foreign graduates shall be carried out according to the Detailed Regulations of Implementation of Degree Conferment of Southwest Petroleum University.
第五章 课程学习与成绩记载
Chapter V Course Learning and Performance Records
第十六条 留学研究生应根据培养计划所选课程情况及学校教学安排进行课程学习,通过课程学习考核。考核分为考试和考查两种。课程学习考核按照《西南石油大学研究生课程修读与考试管理规定》的规定执行。
Article 16 Foreign graduates shall attend courses and pass the course assessment according to the courses selected by cultivation program and teaching arrangement of the university. Assessment is divided into examination and evaluation. Course assessment shall be carried out according to the Regulations of Course Learning and Examination Management of Graduate Students of Southwest Petroleum University.
第十七条 留学研究生进行课程学习必须参加课程学习考核,因病等不能参加课程考核应按“课程修读与考试管理规定”办理相关手续,并随下一次开课进行重修;
Article 17 Foreign graduates must take the final examination for course learning. Anyone who cannot take the examination due to illness or other reasons shall apply for relevant procedures in accordance with "regulations for course learning and examination management" and retake the course;
They are allowed to repeat the course and retake the next examination if they failed this time, and grades obtained after re-learning shall be truthfully labeled.
第十八条 留学研究生严重违反考核纪律或者作弊的,按照《西南石油大学国际学生违纪处分办法》进行处理,该课程考核成绩无效。
Article 18 Foreign graduates severely violating examination rules or cheating shall be punished in accordance with Notice on the Issuance of Measures for Punishment of Disciplinary Violations of International Students of Southwest Petroleum University, and the grade of that course will be invalid.
第十九条 课程免修
Article 19 Exemption of courses
Survey of China
Anyone who study in the university and has obtained credits of Survey of China (grades are valid in 5 years)can apply for exemption. Application procedures for exemption: application made by himself/herself is submitted to Graduate School for approval after being signed by the tutor and the course teacher of Survey of China.
入学时已经获得《汉语》课程学分的学生(成绩5年之内有效)或达到汉语等级考试理科新HSK 5级、文科新HSK6级可以申请免修。申请免修程序为:本人申请,持相关成绩证书原件和复印件,经导师和学生所在学院审核,到研究生院培养办公室(图书馆C614)办理并备案。毕业时达到以上汉语等级考试标准,留学研究生可以申请追认成绩。
Student having obtained credits of Chinese (the grade is valid within 5 years)upon his/her entrance or passing HSK (HSK level 5 for science students, and HSK level 6 for liberal arts students)can apply for exemption. Application procedures for exemption: he/she makes application with the original copy and copy of relevant grade certificates for reviewing by his/her college and then applies for recording by Cultivation Office of Graduate School (Library C614). Foreign graduates can apply for subsequent confirmation of grades when they passing HSK above upon their graduation.
Other courses: In principle, the university won't handle exemption of other courses.
第二十条 成绩查询打印
Article 20 Score query and print
Foreign graduates can check their grades independently through "graduate student information management system"; and print their transcript on the self-service printer in Student Service Center (108, Block B, Mingli Building).
第六章 纪律、考勤
Chapter VI Discipline and Attendance
第二十一条 留学研究生必须按时参加培养计划规定的和学校统一安排组织的各类活动。遵守课堂纪律,不迟到,不早退,不旷课,考试不舞弊。
Article 21 Foreign graduates must participate in various activities stipulated in cultivation program and organized by the university. They should abide by the classroom discipline, not be late for class, or leave early and shall not cheat in examinations.
第二十二条 留学研究生不能参加学校教育教学计划规定的活动,应当事先请假并获得批准,留学研究生请假按照《西南石油大学国际学生请销假管理办法》实施。无故缺席的,学校将给予批评教育,情节严重的按管理制度给予相应的纪律处分。
Article 22 Those who cannot participate in activities stipulated in university's education program shall ask for leave in advance in accordance with Administrative Measures for International Students of Asking for/ Resumption for Leave of Southwest Petroleum University. Students who are absent from class for no reason will be criticized. Under serious circumstances, they will be given corresponding disciplinary punishment in accordance with the management system.
第二十三条 留学研究生享受我国的法定节假日及学校的寒暑假。但其派遣国的重大节日和国外的其它节日,学校均不放假。
Article 23 Foreign graduates are entitled to enjoy statutory holidays of our country and winter and summer vocations of the university. However, the university will not give a vacation for important festivals of the sending state or other foreign festivals.
第七章 转学与转专业
Chapter VII Transfer and Change of Major
第二十四条 留学研究生一般应当在我校完成学业。因患病或确有特殊困难、特别需要,无法继续在我校进行学习的,可以申请转学。转学的条件与程序按照上级主管部门和学校有关规定执行。
Article 24 Foreign graduates shall generally complete their studies in the university. Those who are unable to continue studying due to illness or special difficulties or special needs may apply to transfer to other universities. Conditions and procedures for transferring to other universities shall be implemented as per relevant regulations of superior authority and the university.
第二十五条 留学研究生一般应当在被录取的专业完成学业。确需转专业的,可以提出申请。转专业的条件、程序等按照学校有关管理办法执行。留学研究生在校期间最多只能转一次专业,且仅限在本校当年招收有留学研究生的专业之间进行。
Article 25 Foreign graduates shall generally complete their studies of the admitted major. Students can apply for changing their majors if necessary. Conditions and procedures for changing majors shall be implemented as per relevant management measures of the university. Foreign graduates can only change their majors once during their school years and only between the majors in which international students are enrolled by the university in the same year.
In principle, the university won't accept foreign graduates admitted by or transferred from other schools.
第八章 休学与复学
Chapter VIII Suspension and Resumption of Schooling
第二十六条 留学研究生休学、复学将参照《西南石油大学研究生学籍管理办法》的相关规定执行。
Article 26 Dropout and resumption of schooling of foreign graduates shall be implemented according to relevant regulations of Management Measures for Student Status for Graduate Students of Southwest Petroleum University.
第二十七条 留学研究生因病、因服兵役或其他特殊原因不能坚持学习,经学校指定的二级甲等以上医院或校医院诊断必须休学,或提供回国服兵役证明,由本人提出休学申请,填写《西南石油大学研究生休学申请表》,经导师、所在学院同意,国际合作与交流处初审后,报研究生院审批。
Article 27 Foreign graduates who cannot stay on studying due to illness, military service or other reasons, or must suspend schooling required by the diagnosed diagnosis by from Class-A hospitals with above class-2 grade-A of grade II or above designated by the university or school infirmary from university hospital need to provide the relevant proofs. They need to fill in Graduate Students Application Form for Suspension of Schooling of Southwest Petroleum University, which will be submitted to Graduate School for approval after checked by their tutor and school and reviewed by International Cooperation and Exchange Office.
第二十八条 留学研究生休学一般以一学年为限(服兵役除外),期满后仍不能复学,作退学处理。学习期间一般只能办理一次休学。
Article 28 Foreign graduates can take one-year suspension of schooling in general (except for military service), and those cannot resume studying after expiration of suspension period will be deemed as dropping out. In general, they can only handle dropout once during their school years.
第二十九条 休学的留学研究生一般应回国,往返路费和回国期间的费用自理。
Article 29 Foreign graduates who have dropped out of school shall generally return to their own countries, return ticket and fees in their own countries shall be borne by themselves.
第三十条 休学的留学研究生休学期满办理复学手续,应在休学期满前1个月向所在学院提出复学申请,填写《西南石油大学研究生复学申请表》,经校医院身体复查合格,所在学院、国际合作与交流处同意,研究生院批准后方可复学。不按期复学的,视为放弃复学资格,作退学处理。
Article 30 Upon the expiration of suspension period, foreign graduates shall apply for resumption 1 month before to the college by filling in Graduate Students Application Form for Resumption of Schooling of Southwest Petroleum University, and they can only resume studying after passing physical examination by school infirmary, being agreed by the college and International Cooperation and Exchange Office and being approved by Graduate School. Those who fail to resume his/her schooling shall be deemed to have abandoned their qualification for resumption of schooling and shall be regarded as having dropped out of school.
第三十一条 留学研究生休学期间,学校为其保留学籍,但不享受在校学习学生待遇。因病休学的留学研究生的医疗费按国家及当地的有关规定处理。
Article 31 During the suspension of schooling of foreign graduates, the schooling university will retain his/her student status, but they do not need to follow the requirements as other students in the university. The medical expenses of the foreign graduates who have dropped out of school due to illness are dealt with according to the relevant national and local regulations.
第九章 退学、取消学籍
Chapter IX Dropout and Cancellation of Student Status
第三十二条 留学研究生有下列情形之一者,应予退学:
Article 32 The foreign students will be expelled from the university under any of the following circumstances:
He/she fails to meet the academic achievement as required by the university or fails to complete the study within the maximum accumulated years of schooling as stipulated by the university;
He/she fails to apply for resumption of schooling within the time limit prescribed by the university or fails to pass the examination of the application for resumption of schooling when the schooling suspension or the retention period of student status expires;
He/she allies for dropout, or shall drop out of school but refuse to do so;
He/she is not suitable to be continuously cultivated upon confirmation by mid-period assessment, or fails to continue scientific research in degree thesis;
He/she is unable to continue the study in the university due to his/her illness or accidental disability diagnosed by the hospital designated by the university;
He/she fails to participate in teaching activities prescribed by the university for two consecutive weeks without approval;
He/she fails to report his/her arrival (register)within the time limit prescribed by the university and also fails to fulfill the procedures of postponing the arrival reporting and registration;
He/she fails to purchase insurance in accordance with relevant Chinese regulations and the university's requirements and refuses to do so within the time limit;
He/she violates Chinese laws and is investigated for criminal responsibility according to the laws;
He/she is given a punishment of visa cancellation and deportation and expulsion from China or entry limitation;
He/she is deemed by the university to drop out of school because he/she cannot complete his/her schooling under other special circumstances.
第三十三条 留学研究生有下列情况之一者,应予取消学籍:
Article 33 In case of any of the following circumstances, the student status of foreign graduates shall be canceled;
1. 未办理任何手续,自动中止学业者;
Anyone who suspend his/her schooling automatically without any procedures;
2. 不缴学费者;
Anyone who fails to pay for tuition fees;
3. 经查实,存在严重的剽窃、弄虚作假等学风问题,不宜继续培养者。
Upon verification, anyone who has style of study like plagiarism, fraud or favoritism and can not be cultivated continuously.
第三十四条 留学研究生要求退学,由自己提出书面申请,其导师、所在学院、研究生院签署意见后报国际合作与交流处;取消留学研究生学籍,由所在学院征求其导师意见后提出书面意见,经研究生院批准后报国际合作与交流处。批准退学或取消学籍后,国际合作与交流处终止留学研究生在国内的居留许可。
Article 34 International graduate student requiring for dropping out shall put forward application in written form, which is to be submitted to Internal Cooperation and Exchange Office after being signed by his/her tutor, the college and Graduate School; the college shall ask for opinions about the cancellation of graduate student status from his/her tutor, then put forward opinions in written form which will be reported to International Cooperation and Exchange Office after being approved by Graduate School. Once dropout or the cancellation of student status is approved, International Cooperation and Exchange Office will terminate the residence permit of foreign graduates in China.
第三十五条 退学的学生,原则上不得申请复学。
Article 35 In principle, students who have dropped out of the university can not apply for resumption of schooling.
第三十六条 因违反中国法律和校规校纪被勒令退学者,学费一律不退,因其他原因退学者,按学校相关办法执行。
Article 36 Those who are ordered to drop out due to violation of Chinese rules and university disciplines will not receive refund of tuition fees, and those dropping out for other reasons shall be disposed in accordance with relevant administrative measures of the university.
第三十七条 退学者应在离校前办好各类退学手续,包括校内的证卡手续和签证手续。
Article 37 Dropouts shall apply for various procedures before leaving the university, including school cards and visa.
第三十八条 留学研究生对取消学籍处理有异议的,可依据《西南石油大学学生申诉处理管理规定》提出申诉。
Article 38 Foreign graduates who have objections to the disposal of cancellation of student status may lodge an appeal in accordance with Administrative Measures for Appeal Settlement of Students of Southwest Petroleum University.
第十章 毕业、结业与肄业
Chapter X Graduation, Completion and Undergraduate
第三十九条 留学研究生在规定学习年限内完成培养方案规定的课程学习和必修环节,完成学位论文撰写并通过学位论文答辩,达到学校毕业要求和授位条件的,颁发毕业证书和学位证书。
Article 39 Foreign graduates who have completed all courses and compulsory content specified in the cultivation program, finished degree thesis, passed dissertation defense and met graduation requirements and conferment conditions within the specified period of schooling will be issued diploma and degree certificate.
第四十条 留学研究生在规定学习年限内完成培养方案规定的课程学习和必修环节,完成学位论文撰写并通过学位论文答辩,但未达到授位条件的,只颁发毕业证书,待达到授位条件并经校学位评定委员会批准后,颁发学位证书。
Article 40 Foreign graduates who have completed all courses and compulsory content specified in the cultivation program, finished degree thesis and passed dissertation defense but not met conferment conditions within the specified period of schooling will only be issued diploma, and degree certificate will be issued after the student has met conferment conditions and is approved by Evaluation Committee.
第四十一条 留学研究生在规定学习年限内完成培养方案规定的课程学习和必修环节,完成学位论文撰写,参加学位论文答辩但未通过答辩的,准予结业,发给结业证书。颁发结业证后,研究生应根据学校研究生学位论文答辩工作安排,在颁发结业证书后一年内可再申请一次学位论文答辩,答辩通过后换发毕业证书,符合授位条件的,颁发学位证书。换发的毕业证书和颁发的学位证书按授位日期填写。
Article 41 Those who have completed all courses and compulsory content specified in the cultivation program, finished degree thesis and participated in dissertation defense but failed to pass are allowed to complete their studies and are issued completion certificates. After receiving completion certificates, graduate students shall apply for dissertation defense again within one year in accordance with the dissertation defense arrangement for graduate students, and they will be issued graduation certificate after passing the dissertation defense and degree certificate when meeting conferment conditions. The changed graduation certificate and issued degree certificate shall be filled out in light of conferment date.
第四十二条 留学研究生未能完成培养方案规定的课程学习和必修环节或虽修完规定课程和必修环节,但未进行学位论文答辩,学生退学且在校时间到达到一年的,发给肄业证书,在校时间未达到一年的,发给写实性学习证明。
Article 42 Dropouts failed to complete courses and compulsory content specified in cultivation program, or not participated in dissertation defense although having completed contents above will be issued a certificate of incompletion if he/she has stayed in the university for over one year, otherwise he/she will be only issued a printed transcript as a study proof.
第十一章 附则
Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
第四十三条 招收、培养和管理留学研究生的各个工作环节,本办法未涉及的,均按国内和学校有关研究生教育的相关管理规定执行。
Article 43 For every working link of enrollment, cultivation and management of foreign graduates not involved in this Measures shall be subject to relevant management regulations of graduate education at home and in the university.
第四十四条 学习研究生课程的语言生参照本办法执行。
Article 44 Language students who study graduate courses shall refer to this Measures.
第四十五条 本办法自发布之日起试行,由研究生院、国际合作与交流处负责解释。
Article 45 This Measures shall be put into trial use upon the date of issuance and shall be interpreted by the Graduate School and the International Cooperation and Exchange Office.