【个人简介】 1986年生,博士(后),副教授,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选,石油天然气装备教育部重点实验室“青年拔尖人才”,油气钻井技术国家工程实验室欠平衡钻井研究室研究人员,中国振动利用工程学会理事,成都市机械工程协会理事,多家科技公司技术咨询专家,加拿大里贾纳大学访问学者。主要从事机电一体化、机电系统控制、机械系统动力学、欠平衡钻井技术、井筒完整性和油气设备安全评估等领域的基础理论及工程技术研究。主持国家自然科学基金、博士后基金、四川省科技重点研发计划、四川省苗子工程重点项目、成都市国际科技合作等课题18项,参与国家重点研发计划等纵横向课题20余项。获授权发明专利9项,实用新型专利10余项。以通讯或第一作者发表SCI论文50篇(国外顶级期刊10篇),中文顶级EI期刊5篇,参编专著2部。近几年,完成科技成果转化共3项,协同合作企业研发的石油钻井设备及工具销售共计1000余套,销售总额2.5亿元。目前担任《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《ISA Transactions》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》、《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《力学学报》、《机械工程学报》等20余个国际和国内顶级期刊审稿人。指导硕、博士研究生中荣获研究生国家奖学金、四川省优秀研究生、优秀毕业论文等奖励及荣誉7人次。 【论文著作】 部分代表性成果: [1] Chaoyang Xiang(学生), Pan Fang*, Hongtao Li, Hui Feng, Bin Tang, Tao Zhang, Guilin Xiao. Nonlinear dynamics of a drillstring system with PDC bit in curved wells based on the finite element method. Geoenergy Science and Engineering. 2023 (230): 212240. [2] Yang Yu(学生), Pan Fang*, Biao Zhang. Characteristics of cuttings migration with new cuttings removal device in horizontal well. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023(231), 212379. [3] Shuangquan Shi(学生) , Pan, Fang*, Yongjun Hou. Multi-phase composite synchronization of three vibrators in a space far-resonant vibration system. ISA TRANSACTIONS, 2023(138):521-533. [4] Peng Ruihao(学生), Fang Pan*, Yang Liming, Chen, Ningsheng, Zhao Xiaohai. Theoretical and experimental study for implementation of the elliptical trajectory in dual-motor vibration system. PIME: Part K-Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2023 (237):307-324. [5] Weitang Kang(学生), Pan Fang*, Qinghong Yuan, Yongjun Hou, Xu Jian, Huaping Wang. Synchronization and vibration absorption analysis of a dual-body vibrating screen driven by multiple motors with double-frequency actuation. PIME, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2023. [6] Fang Pan*, Ding Shujie, Yang Kang, Li, Gao, Xiao Dong, Dynamics characteristics of axial-torsional-lateral drill string system under wellbore constraints [J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2022, 146: 104176. [7] Sun Hechao(学生), Fang Pan*, Peng Huan , Zou, Min , Xu Yangyang, Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies on double-frequency synchronization of three exciters in dynamic vibration absorption system [J], Applied Mathematical modelling. 2022, 111: 384-400 [8] Peng Huan(学生), Fang Pan(通讯), Luo Heng, Sun Hechao, Corrosion sensitivity analysis of pipelines in CO2 and H2S coexisting environment in the South China Sea, Corrosion Reviews, 2022,40: 355-368 [9] Fang Pan*, Shi Shuangquan, Zou Min, Lu Xiaogang, Wang Dejin. Self-synchronization and control-synchronization of dual-rotor space vibration system [J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2022, 139: 103869. [10] Peng Huan(学生), Hou Yongjun, Fang Pan*, Zou Min, Zhang Zhiliang. Synchronization analysis of the anti-resonance system with three exciters[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 97: 96-112. [11] Fang Pan*, Wang Yuanguo, Zou Min, Zhang Zhiliang. Combined control strategy for synchronization control in multi-motor-pendulum vibration system [J]. Journal of Vibration & Control, 2021: 1. [12] Fang Pan*, Shi Shuangquan, Chen Tao, Zou Min, Hou Duyu, Zhang Zhiliang. Spatial synchronization behavior of vibration system with tri-motor excitation [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology, 2021, 35(9): 3871-3885. [13] Zou Min(学生), Fang Pan*, Hou Yongjun ,Peng Huan, Investigation on multiple-frequency synchronization experiment of vibration system with dual-rotor actuation[J], Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2021, 164:10826 [14] Zou Min(学生), Fang Pan, Hou Yongjun, Wang Yuanguo, Hou Duyu, Peng Huan. Synchronization analysis of two eccentric rotors with double-frequency excitation considering sliding mode control [J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2021, 92: 105458. [15] Peng Huan(学生), Hou Yongjun, Fang Pan*, Zou Min, Zhang Zhiliang. Theoretical and experimental investigation on synchronization of secondary vibration isolation system with two exciters [J]. Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2021, 511. [16] Shi Shuangquan(学生), Fang Pan*, Zou Min, Peng Huan, Zhang Zhiliang, Lu Xiaogang. Control synchronization of three eccentric rotors driven by motors in space considering adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control algorithm [J]. Journal of vibration and control, 2021. [17] Zou Min(学生), Fang Pan*, Hou Yongjun. Self-synchronization theory of tri-motor excitation with double-frequency in far resonance system [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(16): 3166-3184. [18] Fang Pan*, Peng Huan, Du Changcheng, Zou Min, Hou Duyu, Du Mingjun, Chai Guodong. Synchronous state of unbalanced rotors in a three-dimensional space and far-resonance system [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 234(1): 108-122. [19] Fang Pan*, Zou Min, Peng Huan, Du Mingjun, Hu Gang, Hou Yongjun. Spatial synchronization of unbalanced rotors excited with paralleled and counterrotating motors in a far resonance system [J]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019, 57(3): 723-738. [20] Zou Min(学生), Fang Pan*, Peng Huan, Hou Duyu, Du Mingjun, Hou Yongjun. Study on synchronization characteristics for self-synchronous vibration system with dual-frequency and dual-motor excitation [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology, 2019, 33(3): 1065-1078. [21] 方潘*,石双全,陆小刚,侯度宇,侯勇俊. 空间三机振动系统振动同步机理研究 [J]. 中国电机工程学报,2022. [22] 邹敏(学生), 方潘, 侯勇俊, 彭欢, 王德金. 倍频激励双转子振动同步机理与实验研究 [J]. 力学学报, 2021, 53(10): 2823-2840. [23] 侯勇俊,彭欢,方潘*,侯度宇,王德金. 同向双电机二次隔振系统的同步行为研究[J]. 机械工程学报. 2022,58(17) 【专利成果】 [1] Ultra-Long Stroke Multi-Cylinder Reciprocating Pump,美国专利,专利号US11655805B2,授权时间2023.05.23 [2] Negative Pressure Shale Shaker Integrated With Negative Pressure Generation And Gas-Liquid Separation,美国专利,US 11802450B2,授权时间2023.10.31 【课题成果】 部分代表性课题: (1) 国家自然基金项目(51705437):双频多电机自同步振动系统的同步机理与同步控制策略研究 (2) 国家重点研发计划项目:超快响应湿度传感器在油气勘探、工业监控等领域的应用验证 (3) 国家重点研发计划项目专题(国研028):井筒稳定风险智能识别与表征方法 (4) 石油天然气装备教育部重点实验室“青年拔尖人才计划”:基于机器学习的钻井振动筛智能控制 (5) 国际合作项目(2019-GH02-00035-HZ):复频反共振系统筛分机理及同步控制策略研究 (6) 国际合作项目(2021-GH02-00083-HZ): 变频钻井振动筛动力学特性与泥浆性能演化匹配机制研究 (7) 中国博士科学基金(2019M653482):超声波页岩气钻井振动筛同步机理及同步控制策略研究 (8) 四川省重点研发计划项目(2020YFG0181):智能变频钻井振动筛同步控制策略研究 (9) 四川省重点研发计划项目(2019YFG0317):基于脉动负压振动筛分的钻屑含液减量方法与关键装备研究 (10) 四川省科技支撑计划(2016RZ0059):双激振电机耦合摆系统平动椭圆振动筛研制 (11) 四川省自然科学基金面上项目(24NSFSC2131):双质体系统干料振动分离机理及参数控制研究 (12) 西南石油大学启航计划(474):多电机耦合摆振动系统同步理论及同步控制策略 (13) 中石油-西南石油创新联合体项目专题:降低长水平段井下复杂与事故的配套技术 (14) 横向课题:高温高压油管腐蚀敏感性研究 (15) 横向课题:**井下挂片腐蚀试验研究 (16) 横向课题:元坝**井井筒完整性评价 (17) 横向课题:顺北**井井筒完整性评价 (18) 横向课题:**修井机BOP剪切能力评估 (19) 横向课题:空气钻井工艺技术优化 (20) 横向课题:固控系统优化与配套应用研究 (21) 横向课题:ALSM-2型双轨迹振动筛开发 (22) 横向课题:游梁式抽油机平衡减载节能技术研究 (23) 横向课题:长水平段水平井岩屑运移规律实验测试 (24) 横向课题:深层页岩油气水平井井眼延伸能力及提速潜力评价 (25) 横向课题:**海相长超深水平井安全钻井关键技术研究 (26) 横向课题:轿厢超声波测距射频系统研制 (27) 横向课题:无线电传装置测试技术 (28) 横向课题:振动筛振动测试系统研发 (29) 横向课题:深层页岩气钻完井作业套管柱受力分析及安全评估 (30) 横向课题:基于图像识别的在用电梯智能安全预警系统 (31) 横向课题:产层气体钻水平井经济性与安全性评价 【荣誉奖励】 (1)四川省学术和技术带头人及后备人选 (2)石油天然气装备教育部重点实验室“青年拔尖人才” (3)四川省科技进步奖 (4)中国石油和化工自动化行业专利奖―优秀奖 【备注其他】 团队注重学科交叉,涉及机械工程、电气控制理论、流体力学和油气井工程等多方面学科领域。团队拥有前沿的研究方向和充足的科研经费,秉承 “统一管理、统一分配,多劳多得、兼顾公平,项目负责制” 原制,为研究生同学的学习和生活提供支持。 |