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Isochronicity of Hamiltonian System

来源:     报告人:    审核:    编辑:沈立芹     发布日期:2015年09月23日    浏览量:[]




Prof. Dr. Valery G. Romanovski , Doctoral supervisor (教授,博导)

University of Maribor

Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (CAMTP)

Prof. Valery G. Romanovski is an excellent specialist in the research field of applying Computer Algebra to study the linearization, limit cycles and center-focus problem. He has received the Zoisovo priznanje (the state prize of second degree of theRepublicofSlovenia). Prof. Valery G. Romanovski, received his PhD in mathematics fromLeningradStateUniversityin 1986 and DSc in mathematics from theInstituteofMathematicsof National Academy of Science ofBelarus. He is a well-established scientist and the author/coauthor of about 100 research article in the field of ODEs and dynamical systems published in leading international journals. He is also a co-author of the book which appears to be the first book which ties together dynamical systems and computational algebra. V. Romanovski has carried out joint studies with many researchers inBeijing,Shanghai,ChengduandZhejianginChina.


