报告题目:Direct numerical simulation and microfluidics for discovery of pore-scale phenomena and averaging
报告人:Dr. Xiaolong Yin(尹小龙 教授、博导)
尹小龙,宁波东方理工大学工学部教授、博导,入选国家级高层次人才计划;研究领域是渗流及多相流流体力学与流体相态。毕业于北京大学力学系,在康奈尔大学化学工程系获得博士学位。2009至2023年在科罗拉多矿业学院石油工程系任助理教授、副教授、教授, 2019-2022年任石油工程系副主任,兼任SPE Journal副主编;2023年回国加入宁波东方理工大学。已发表SCI文章70余篇,会议论文(包括SPE论文)40余篇。现任SPE油藏委员会委员,国际多孔介质协会(InterPore)中国分会(China Chapter)委员会委员。
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) and microfluidics are very useful research tools for exposing the details of complex flows encountered in porous media and for averaging. This presentation will present DNS of flow and transport conducted in my group, most of which utilized the lattice Boltzmann method and random-walk particle tracking. Through these simulations, one can obtain porous media properties that are typically obtained from a conventional core analysis. When it comes to multiphase flows, however, DNS is still challenging and expensive. Microfluidics thus remains as a most practical approach. Then it will discuss will microfluidic visualizations of water and surfactant flooding as well as quantification of polymer-induced permeability damage and its correlation to distributions of fluids. Last, but not least, is the properties of fluids under phase equilibrium in reservoir that must be faithfully reproduced in any pore-scale studies. Calculations of phase equilibrium and fluid distribution should consider the effects of interfacial tension and wetting as the pores of interest becomes increasingly smaller.